Women’s Issues Network

The Clark County Democratic Women’s Issues Network (WIN) is a Political Action Committee dedicated to supporting Democratic progressive candidates, advancing women’s issues, empowering women, encouraging community involvement and providing a forum to discuss relevant issues.

About Us:
Founded in 2009 by a group of Progressive Democratic women, the WINS have helped Democrats win their elections by both woman power during campaigns and financial support. The WINS recently had 2 major fundraising events: Women’s History Month Dinner and an August Nights. The WINS also support Equality Springfield and Project Woman plus other community groups. To honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy, we have a service day each January. WINS also work with like minded groups on issues such as pay equity, healthcare, water and climate change. The WINS also provide a laid back environment for discussion of relevant issues of the day. Dues are $20 per year.

You can learn more about Women’s Issues Network by visiting their website https://www.demwins.org/ and following them on Facebook 

WIN Leadership:

President: Crystal G
Vice President: Sue A
Recording Secretary: Sheila S
Corresponding Secretary: Melinda B
Treasurer: Libby B
Deputy Treasurer: Cathy T

 Archived Newsletters:
December 2018-January 2019 WIN Newsletter

October/November 2018 WIN Newsletter

August/September 2018 WIN Newsletter